March 01, 2010


Ok. I just created my facebook page and I have no idea how to use it! I'm still a little skeptical about having one but maybe I just have to learn how to really use it. This should be interesting!


  1. I don't know if this is any help, but some of the places to write on there are in the status box (on the home page, it's the little box that has "what's on your mind?" written in it), where you can just write whatever is on your mind, and you can also write notes about what's on your mind if you need more space. You can use the note space to write whatever you want, actually.
    I know what you mean about being skeptical when using it. You can make your profile private if you are that concerned. I think under "Account" you can edit your privacy settings to however you want it. If you know any facebook users in real life who you trust, it wouldn't hurt to add them as friends to see how they use it. =)


  2. Tara:

    My daughter signed me up. I think it under my own name. So, you can check that out. it is a space where what is said is out there so I try to limit watch what I say. You are so good at all this that I assume you will enjoy it for what it is--a Broadcasting system for you, and what friends come back with. My daughter actually posted the picture that is on my Face book.


  3. Hi Tara:

    I forgot. My face book is under several names. An is my Vietnamese name. It was a very short for Albert which they have a hard time pronouncing. An means peace? Yeh! right me?

    I do get some really good comments from friends afar. Ones I think I forgot, or they forgot me. It is nice from time to time to receive distant messages.

  4. I know what you mean about privacy on Facebook. That and how anything you put on it, since its YOUR page, suddenly becomes true, or is a "complete" reflection of who you are. My boyfriend and I set our status as engaged after he joined (which is more of a de facto engagement than the official one), and I got three messages within the hour congratulating us (and one on when the wedding was "finally" taking place). XD After all, if its on Facebook, it MUST be true (or Wikipedia, don't forget that).

    Good luck with the FB adventure! And don't get too addicted to its numerous games! XD


  5. Tara! I am so glad you are trying out Facebook. It is definitely an experience that people should try since its sort of the "thing to do" these days. In terms of privacy, I have mine set so people who aren't my "friend" can only see my one profile picture and thats it. At first I was skeptical because with other sites such as Myspace, the privacy setting said that no one could view my info yet, it was still accesible. The good thing about Facebook is there is actually a button you can click in the privacy settings that allows you to view your page how someone else searching you would view it, in order to ensure all your info is secure. Add me on there so we can share the writing space together! Good luck!

