March 03, 2010

Getting the hang of it

Well, things are going a lot smoother with facebook or FB. I was so surprised to see that I had 14 friend requests! I feel really special now : ) I have to say I find it very interesting. I have found friends who are out of state and family in L.A. I still have not posted anything on it because I don't know what to write. I guess I will just put a greeting and a little about myself. I still can't believe that 14 people wanted to friend me : ) It amazes me how fast they found me considering I just set up my page on monday. 

I am starting to that FB is just as much a writing tool as it is a space. It gives you the chance to write whatever they want as well as keep in touch with people. When you post a comment, you can talk to multiple people at one time. It's great for figuring out plans. I think it's nice to be able to talk to more than one person at a time. 

Well, I'm off. I want to really interact with FB and all of it's features. I will be posting once more before I come my final decision about FB. Stay tuned! : )


  1. Tara, you're popular already! I actually really enjoy reading facebook. I don't have an account since my college-aged boys are still miffed that it is open to the wider public. They view it as their personal domain and were mortified when their Aunt "friended" them. I discovered their views when my older son called about "a situation." He didn't want to hurt his Aunt's feelings but was concerned that Grandma was next. I guess it works against their boys on the hunt profile. Whatever. -Stephanie

  2. Tara, there's a chat feature on facebook that allows you to talk to your friends. You can know when people are online, send chat invitations, and just as easily ignore them. I don't know if you have found this feature or not, but it's worth checking out.

  3. Tara ~
    You may want to bop over to Jonathan's blog. He's got a pretty good discussion of how online writing spaces foster "community." Your post just exudes emotion and a sense of belonging. You might want to chime in on the community discussion (or link to it in your next post) given the sense of welcoming that you are feeling from FB.

    Just an idea. . .

    ~ Cathy
