April 13, 2010

Web Site Assignment

Here we go ojn another technological journey that I would never have explored had I not enrolled in this class. My professor has now asked us to creat a web site which will consist of an arguement from one of our previous papers. Never in my wildest dreams would I even consider creating a web site as I am computer clumsy-my own word to describe how computer and web site illiterate I am : ) Anyways, here are the three papers I have to choose from and my thoughts on which one I will be using for tis assignment.

The first paper I wrote for this class was a technological autobiography which lays out my experiences with technology. While I found this assignment interesting, I don't think I will be using this paper for my web site. For me, it is not interesting enough because I believe that my experiences are not very different from many people out there. Not only that, I was never really into technology and most of my encounters with the "cool" gadgets came awhile after they had come out.

For my second paper, I  reviewed a writing space/tool which I had never used before. For this assignment I chose to review FaceBook because I had never really been interested in forecasting my life to the entire world. However, as I joined the site and started working with it, I came to realize that it is a great place to keep in touch with friends. I will not be using this review for my web site because FaceBook is already so well known and established that I don't feel that there will be a strong arguement to convey. Everyone or almost everyone has a FaceBook and I don't want to reitterate information that is already over pubished.

My last paper was a research paper on citizen journalism and traditional journalism. I chose this topic because I am very mush invested in what the future of journalism will be becasue my husband is a newspaper journalist. I enjoyed writing this paper and I feel that this topic will be the best to use for my web site. I found so mush information that I can use to make my arguemment. What I would like to do is team up with another student from class who has taken almost the same route and see if we can present two opposing sides. I would really like to present one side for citizen journalism and another for traditional journalism. Each of us can present our information and let the reader decide if one is better than other or if there is a way for them to co-exisist. I am very excited to put this out there.


  1. I think you have a really good idea about doing a website on citizen journalism vs. traditional journalism. By citizen journalism do you mean internet journalism? I'm thinking that if someone is on a website, they'd probably be prone to siding with citizen journalism, so it might be difficult to balance the arguments. I can definately see it working, especially in terms of formatting, I think if you wrote "Traditional journalism" arguments in the style of notepaper or like angled so that it looked like a newspaper was on the screen would be cool.

  2. Hey Tara,
    I think we might just be twins! I too am thinking about doing a website based on the rise of citizen journalism and the death/decline of print journalism. I think that together with both of our research paper evidence we will be able to create a kick butt website based around the concept of citizen journalism. A lot of people have never heard of the concept, so I think that we have the oppurtunity to create a website that both educates and informs readers of the dominance of citizen-based writing in the journalism field.
    -julia goolia

  3. Hi Tara,
    I really like the idea of comparing Wikipedia with Citizen journalism. Maybe we could work together by comparing the good and the bad points of both and how reliable they are. Maybe a counclusion could show both sides, and the reader could choose if he would conclude that both are good sources or only one of them. Please let me know if you are interested! :)
