April 15, 2010


It's offical! Julia and I will be working together to create a web site about citizen journalism and traditional journalism. We are still brainstorming how we want to put it all together but here is what we have so far. 

-Julia's research paper was about how citizen journalism is overtaking traditional journailsm. Julia is going to present her side using various images, videos and whatever else she thinks will promote her arguement.

-I will be taking the traditional journalism side and presenting my arguement using images, videos, maybe music and anything else I can find. 
Since Julia and I are new to the web site business, we are going to need a lot of technical support. I believe that are arguement will strong though.  We want t create this web site to bring awareness to what citizen journalism and traditional journalism are going through. We want the reader to make the choice of who is good and who is evil.


  1. This looks like a really good idea for the assignment. I would really like to see how you present both sides of the argument in an interactive, hyperlinked way. Good luck! ^^

  2. I'm with "Dio" -- I can't wait to see how you present this. I want you to push yourselves to use associative argument, so the site cannot feel like there are two predetermined sides. The site you create needs to be designed so that your ideas bump into one another, creating associations in the reader's mind . . .dig?

    ~ Cathy
